Sunday, February 10, 2008


We have been m.i.a from the blogging scene because our Olivier is having all kinds of issues; first the teething, then the forgoing of the naps, then refusing to sleep at all at night and finally diarrhea. We decided on the week-end to bring him to the clinic because his tooth if finally out of the gum and he is still pulling his ear, amongst all his other ailments. The first clinic we went to, the doctor on duty resembled a cartoon character with a big loop in front of her coke bottle glasses and thick messy hair she looked more like a mad scientist than a doctor. Elvira came with us to translate but honestly I didn’t need to hear what this doctor had to say, I don’t think she listened to what his symptoms were and she came up with a diagnosis of he is healthy, clean his ears with a Q-tip swab and he will stop playing with it. Oh and he has a throat problem, that he inherited from his mother, that is when she stuck a metal tongue suppressor in my mouth and confirmed her suspicions, that he inherited it from me and not from his father Daniel. I was flattered that basically he looks like me but not impressed with the rest!!! So off to the next doctor, a specialist for lungs, I wanted to make sure that he only has a cold and not bronchitis (he’s coughing a lot and wheezing). She prescribed him some antibiotics and some sort of syrup, so far he is sounding better but he is still not sleeping…and he is still tugging his ear (they did say nothing is wrong with his ear) I wonder if it is a trick to keeping himself awake (he only does it when I’m trying to put him to sleep or while he is sleeping?

OH! I have to run the BABY master bellows!!!