Sunday, January 6, 2008


First off let me say we are at a hotel, since this morning monday the 7th we were waiting outside in the sub-arctic weather for our translator, (our usual time is 9:15) she never showed so we called her at 9:30, for her to tell us that she is sleeping and not feeling well, unfortunately neither is Jackie! Jackie is sick with a chest cold, that I gave to her as her first gift as a mommy!!!

Why are we at a hotel? Well our steel exterior door that leads to our appartment is locked/frozen shut and nobody in the building can hear us kicking and screaming to let us in! This is the worst thing so far that has happenned to us. We tryed calling back El but she turned off her phone and we tryed calling our other adoptive parent Isabelle but she has serious phone problems, her phones barely works! So here we are trying to stay warm and using the high speed internet at the CHAGALA hotel, owned by an English man, we might be here for a while till someone figures out that we are MIA (missing in action).

Besides that our week-end was pretty much like when we are at home, we ate popcorn and watched movies while I took care of my ailing wife. We did not go to see our son on Sunday but Saturday we made sure to video tape him for viewing on Sunday!!!

By the way, soon, soon you will be able to see parts of Keanu that we love!!!