Thursday, January 24, 2008


Yesterday I was pretty blue again but that quickly changed when the phone rang. My Darling husband Daniel answered it and was talking very casually beside me, at first I thought it was Elvira, and then I realized he was talking about how we feel and how the weather was. I turned my head and said “who are you talking to?” He says “Lorraine” “Lorraine!!! Give me the phone!!!!” I couldn’t believe my husband, he made it sound like it’s just another regular phone call & I couldn’t believe that she was live on the other end of the phone…it made me cry again!!! I know it must cost a small fortune so I didn’t keep her on the phone too long…just long enough to say “thank you, I miss you and I love you”. And that is all I needed to go on for another day…anybody else want to call?

The happiness continued all day today THURSDAY THE 24TH. We went to the baby house again to see Olivier and brought his usual; change of clothes, 5 diapers (1 extra one for us), his books, teething ring, and some water in his bottle. The difference today was when he started imitating Daddy, “mama” baby Oli says “MAMA” then “DADA” we couldn’t believe our ears so we made him say it over and over again until I got it on video tape!!!! We are so proud of him, his first mimicking words!!! Another first was he gave me a real hug around my neck and then rested his little head on me, I’m so in love. And this isn’t the first time he does this but, it is the first time that I had a diaper to change him…he pooped on me again!!! I told Daddy that he will do the next diaper change. In the pm for our second visit, BABY OLI-K surprised us again. He was in his little walker in the playroom and Elvira was trying to get him to come to her, so she can bring him in the room for us. He didn’t budge, he just smiled at her. I said let me give a try and sure enough my little man got so happy and ran over to me in his walker. I took him out and kissed his little face, we were so proud that he is recognizing us. He trusts his mommy so much now that he pooped again on me, while I was feeding him. He doesn’t however like when I change him, he cries and wiggles to be free…Speaking of free, I told him that he would be free tomorrow from the baby house, but it looks like I was wrong!!! We still have no court date yet, I’m sad for him and for us!!! It is so hard for us to say goodbye to him when we leave the baby house, you could see in his face that he is wondering why we aren’t playing with him and his friends and why we always leave! I don’t want to leave him anymore!!!!