Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Monday was a pretty incredible, it was “bust your baby out of the orphanage and take him to the airport day”! We were so close to running off but, it was in fact “meet the immigration doctor day”! The immigration doctor flies in from Almaty, examines your child and then runs off to catch the next plane back, she is here a total of 10 to 15 minutes tops!! We had rented a room at the airport for the examination and the other stuff was done last week at the hospital. We are glad to report that while she was putting on her coat, she said with a smile, “he is in good health, needs some physical stimulation for his right arm, his “MOZG” (BRAIN) is good and no delays!!!!” I bet she says that to all the parents! It was pretty intense; we weren’t the only parent’s child she was examining, the car ride was pretty packed (mini van with 7 adults and 2 babies), no baby seats on top of that, so I was holding Oli-k very tightly. He fell asleep as usual (good vibrations)! To make matters worse, the heat was on in the car, so it was very HOT and outside was very warm (compared to what the other days were) I was overdressed and so was baby O. When we made it to the airport and took of his clothes I noticed that there was another reason why I was feeling very HOT…he wet himself and it came out of the diaper. By the way, this is the second accident that only happens on me, maybe I’m holding him too much!!! The first accident was a number 2 and it was while I was giving him his bottle, it seeped up his back and I kept thinking why is his face all red, why is my leg so darn HOT!!!!

And there you have it…FEELING HOT, HOT, HOT!