Monday, February 4, 2008


Well let me just say it has been a hard couple of days with our little angel…and I want to thank everyone that called us to give us some courage, we are truly bless to have him and all of you in our lives, that also includes all the emails we received with great wishes!!!!!

The story goes a little bit like this,

Olivier is extremely happy to be in our arms, but he likes to play also on the floor with his toys, he also enjoys pase-partout and some baby Einstein…but try and put him to bed and the Alien comes out and he is kicking, screaming and probably cursing us! He doesn’t enjoy the food I give him, but that is entirely my fault for not being a good baby chef (those darn jars). He use to eat for lunch at the baby house meat and potatoes, but he has written it off since busting out of the joint!!! I can’t blame him. After an entire day of food fights, we discovered that he is teething and that is why he is confused all the time as to what he wants! Another thing I remembered was a good friend telling me that once the child passes his nap schedule, all hell will break lose and she was right. So now when it is approaching dodo time…I set him up 15 minutes before and then he goes down easier (without a fuss). When I say “set him up” I mean, we calm him down by holding him in our arms then start closing the lights in the rooms as we walk by, humming a favorite song and coach him to close his eyes. What he does that melts my heart each time (I keep asking Dan to video tape it but he forgets to bring the camera to the room, I’m going to have to set him up too), While I’m lying on the bed and he is fussing he finally gives up and rest his wary head on my stomach, then lifts it looks at me, smiles and does it again, he does this continuously until he falls asleep…usually it’s because I’m rubbing his back. What we did yesterday (when we didn’t know better) we would pack him up once it was too late and bring him outside for a walk in his stroller and yes he fell asleep like magic (KIM AND JEAN’S TRICK FOR NOAH). Unfortunately I’m trying to find a way that will be possible while traveling home for 22 hours, I’m working on it!!! I don’t want to be in the plane and everyone giving me the stink eye because my baby is crying to death for the whole flight (I think the getting him to sleep before his nape is due is our first clue to success).

Now for food, Daniel has decided we are going to by a blender and puree everything…I think I’m going to go through their kitchen cabinets, maybe they already have a blender?!?!? Daniel has enjoyed feeding Oli-K mashed cold bananas with his fingers (papa bounding), we notice the cold makes him feel good. We are also doubling his formula because he doesn’t want to eat. However today he seems to be feeling a lot better and I see the teeth, I think but can’t be sure, if it comes through the gums then eventually the pain will stop?!?! Anyways last night great success in putting him down and he slept 9 hours and then feeding him this morning was easy and putting him back down for his nap (oh no he’s up) 2 more hours (he sounds happy). For the next nap at noon we will go for a 2 hour, fresh warm air walk +3 degrees.

Ok the continuation, the rest of the day went really well, we went to a restaurant called Camelot and Olivier slept and then back to home for a little play time and then back out for a walk (he slept again) it sounds like we want the baby to sleep a lot hein? Well it did him good, except he didn’t like his dinner and threw it up every where, then didn’t want to eat anything else, didn’t want his bottle and was extremely hard to go down. I also noticed that he is wheezing and it is worrying me. Needless to say baby was crying for at least 35 minutes straight in my arms and he wouldn’t let me put him down, or seat down! A single tear rolled down my face because it pains me not understanding what is going on with him and being so far away from everyone or anyone that could help us and speak English. My little angel looked up at me, stopped crying/ yelling and touched my tear and made a sad face and closed his eyes. I don’t think I’m going to resort to crying but wow that was a very special moment for me.

Tomorrow we are off to do the passport…wish us luck!!!!