Wednesday, February 20, 2008



What is up with the baby that won’t sleep, especially when it’s my shift to go to him if he cries in the middle of the night!!!??!! Sunday and Tuesday, baby Oli-K decided that he is going to cry every 1 hour until he is fed up of being rocked and put back to sleep! Then he is stubborn (like the Taurus that he is) and refuses all together to let himself return into dream land. He knows all mommies tricks and fights it the whole time until I give in and bring him into the living room, then he gives me a devilish smile which makes me think he won!!! Why me? He doesn’t do this with Daniel, with Dan he cries maybe 2 times 3 max and then he will go back to bed for maybe 5 hours. I think we might have to change his nap schedule once home. Can you believe all I talk about is how much my son doesn’t sleep and how much I’ve aged!

Change of subject,

My little boy has started to change; (the 5 things that made me happy)
1st I think he is bigger.
2nd he is finally able to take a banana piece from me or the plate (better if it’s from me) and put it in his mouth. Before he would put it in his hand and forget it was there.
3rd he is able to communicate when he doesn’t like his food, he shakes his head in a no gesture, and if I persist, he whacks my hand and the food lands on the floor.
4th he loves his bath now…we are using a little blue baby bath that Kim and Jean left for us, but it slides to much to keep the jitter bug in one place.
5th he loves dancing with mommy and when mommy sings off key he does the same (with a lit scream)! (Lorraine you are going to have to help him).

We wanted to let everyone know that this may be our last entry until we return home, so please do not panic. We are on dial up using internet cards and I think we are at the end of our card. We will keep updating until the end and add the missing entries once we are safely at home.

By the way…we fear the long plane ride home, we will be traveling more than 29 hours, just letting everyone know!