What is interesting about this place (I will take a picture), is that crossing the street is a real scary experience. We were crossing with our coordinator in Almaty and cars where zooming by, we finally made it to the intersection where we were standing waiting for our coordinator to give us the go, to run. I felt like frogger (does anyone remember that game, Atari). Our coordinator says “ok, go!” We darted across but I still had to let out a shriek because it was so excitingly scary…this is not a game for the old or the insecure!!!! Our coordinator thought I got hit by the ever so hasty crazy drivers, but I was just laughing! One thing is for sure, there are little blue cross walk signs that you should use!!! We only figured it out because we were trying to cross the street again in Uralsk and all of a sudden the cars stopped, maybe it was our bright red coats that hit the sun and reflected in their eyes and they were blinded? Naw! Our friends Kim and Jean, pointed out the beautiful blue sign with a person crossing, who knew!!!
I’m sure you want to know more about our little man, I got some anxious comments and e-mails. His original name we cannot mention until court, so you have to wait for that! His new name, well, you have to wait for that also…we cannot make up our minds, does he, or doesn’t he look like that name. Dan loves “Tristan”, and what is funny, is that our translator here, we will call her “El”, loves that name…now Dan loves it even more! Btw, “El” is a real looker…she has everybody including my crazy Dan’s head spinning!
Let me tell you what baby Laurin did today, he cried because I didn’t feed him quick enough. I’m happy he cried because I haven’t heard him cry, usually he makes a face (warning) that he is going to cry. We were blessed to hear his voice! He is very sick with a cold and congestion, and so is Dan, I have 2 babies to take care of! He also pulled himself up on me for the first time in 4 days. I gave him his breakfast; porridge with eggs and some juice, we decided to water it down and feed him through a nubi bottle. We hope it will help him with his cold. Also, we had a moment today me and baby Laurin (junior), he cried while I was giving him his bottle, he could have been crying because I was so slow at feeding him, which in turn made him irritated. However, I was crying because he is so fragile, dependent, helpless, and has to put up with potential parents that have no clue, that come and go. We see that getting attached is a 2 way street with a lot of sacrifice and trust, I also cried because he is so special and adorable!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Posted by
Jackie and Daniel
7:29 AM